10 Minutes or less DeFi and Crypto Updates
May 28th, 2021: Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wife, Hide Yo NFTs
Antoine Dodson is in good company as he and Shark Tanks Kevin O’Leary both get into crypto! That, plus Pat asks the hard question, is Elon Musk the Gollum, Sauron, or some other Lord of the Rings character of DeFi? Oh ya, and Nvidia is literally lying to their investors about their exposure to cryptocurrency, […]
May 26th, 2021: Binance Claims Centralized Blockchain Decentralized
Pat and Amy are getting back at it – after a busy tax season they’re talking about hacks on BSC, lawsuits against the IRS, and Pat asks the important question, when is a stable coin not stable?
May 19th, 2021 – Black Wednesday
After a brief hiatus to help our customers with their taxes and various financial requirements, the DeFi Daily team is back, and just in time! Elon Musk triggers a major sell off, gas hits 1800 on ETH, but it’s not a bad new – DeFi hit $87b TVL last week! Just another crazy week in […]
Apr 12th, 2021 – An Intro to UNIv3
UniV3 is coming in hot, Coinbase is IPO’ing, and wow the markets are on fire. Happy Monday from the DeFi daily!
April 6th, 2021 – Have We Jumped the Shark Episode 2
Pat and Amy are back after a brief hiatus, and for the first time in our Podcast’s history, Pat is stunned silent as 80 year old baseball card company Topps announces plans to go public to sell NFTs. Brilliant? Insane? The top of the bubble? Only time will tell, but we’ll be here to guide […]
Mar 18th, 2021: Miners Go To War, World Shrugs
With EIP 1559 on the horizon, Ethereum miners are gearing up for a huge battle, and the dev response is…cool. Seriously, millions of dollars 51% attacking a chain just so some guys merge a request to cut out miners early. That plus, OpenSea get a fantastic backer, BofA is scared of Crypto, and the big […]
Mar 17th, 2021: Drama on the Reef
Alameda research invests $20mil in REEF only to be caught dumping their tokens days later. “But you never said we were exclusive!” they yell, insisting nothing in the contract forbade buying tokens at discount and immediately selling them on Binance. Drama in DeFi land, and The DeFi Daily is here to cover it!
Mar 15th, 2021: There and Back Again, a Story of 60k
Well, that was quick, $60k we hardly knew ye. Between the rise and drop to $54k, a hack on two popular platforms, and I suppose everyone just being a bit hung over, this was quite the Monday! Plus, Coinbase continues to be the token king maker, and hey, it’s out 100th Episode!
Mar 11th, 2021: Have We Jumped The Shark Yet: Day 1
Upon seeing the news of the $69M NFT sale, and another incredibly juicy nugget we talk about at the end of the podcast, Pat and Amy ask an important question – have we jumped the NFT shark yet? Plus, ShapeShift wants to unlock your staked coins, and CipherTrace has a new product that checks how […]
Mar 10th, 2021: $6B Buys a Lotta Big Data
The launch of the week was “The Big Data” platform – what staking has to do with big data is neither here nor there, but you know what, rock and roll. Amy and Pat discuss that plus DASH is coming to ETH, and look at that – when gas is sky high, ETH usage goes […]